This is a step-by-step guide on how you can use WhatsApp as a channel where you can integrate your chat-bot
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This is a step-by-step guide on how you can use WhatsApp as a channel where you can integrate your chat-bot
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Note : you must have a Facebook account to utilise this feature.
Go to the Meta developers page, on the top right corner click on "Get Started"/"Login"(Depending on whether you have a Meta developer account).
After "Login/Signup", go to WhatsApp Cloud-Api Documentation -> Get Started
You will see a screen as shown below.
Here, click on "Enable two-factor Authentication"
On the next page, as shown above, click on "Security and login settings" link given in point 1. Then click "Ok" on the prompt that will show up if you are a new user.
Now in the section for "Two-factor authentication", click on "Use two-factor authentication".
Now in the options provided, select "Use Authentication App" and you will receive a QR code on your screen.
You need to to download mobile Authenticator app such as Google Authenticator
Open your Authenticator app and click on the "+" icon at the bottom left and select "Scan QR code" and then scan the QR code you received.
Upon successfully enabling Two-Factor Authentication, you will see a screen like one shown below.
Now go back to your Meta Developer account -> My Apps and click "Create New App"
Select your use case of app as "Other" and click on "Next"
Select your type of app as "Business" and click on "Next"
Add relevant details about your app
Now on the App Dashboard on the left panel click on "Dashboard"
Scroll down and in the Products list go to "Weebhook" and click on "Set up"
Next, Scroll down and in the Products list go to "WhatsApp" and click on "Set up"
Now create a new Meta Business Account if you don't have one, by going to Meta Business Manager (You will see the below screen if your don't have one)
Note : While creating a Meta Business Account please ensure that your business name and your business email domain are similar.
It is not necessary to create Meta Business account with the same email as your Facebook account.
Also please ensure that you verify your email, as requested by facebook.
If you already have a Meta Business Manager Account, you can select that account and click "Continue"
Now you will see the page shown below
Now click on "Start using the API" , and you will be redirected to the API setup page.
In the input box provided, select a test number, provide any number you can receive whatsapp messages on and click "Send message" (This is for testing purposes)
Now to to the "Webhook" section below and click on "configure webhook"
Here you can see 2 inputs "Callback URL" & "Verify Token", these can be retrieved from your Orimon user dashboard, as explained here (We should skip this step if you have not configured your phone number first, and come back to it later)
Go to -> API setup -> click on add phone number
Note : Your bot will reply to your customers through this number.
Also you must ensure that this number in NOT registered on whatsApp business or messenger app.
Tip : You can only add up-to 2 production numbers without business verification. Visit WhatsApp Business Platform Documentation to learn more
Now on the next page, please fill all necessary details about your business.
Verify your phone number using text or call as shown below
Now got back to -> Overview Page.
Click on the "All tools" in the left panel
Next click on "Business settings" -> "System Users" under the users section
Click on "Add" to add a new system user and accept permissions asked by Meta.
Also ensure to assign role as "Admin" and give appropriate username. Click on "Create System User"
On the next page click on "Add assets"
On this page click on "Apps" -> select your whatsapp integration -> then under full control toggle on the "Manage Apps" switch and click on "save changes"
Now as shown above, under "Accounts" section, select "WhatsApp accounts" . Then select your production whatsapp account
Now click on "Add people"
Now select your system user and grant "Full Control" . Then click on Assign
Again go to User -> System Users, select the user you created, and click on "Generate New Token"
Now select your whatsapp integration from the drop-down, and set the expiration period to "Never" Ensure you select the following permissions.
Click on "Generate Token"
Note : Please ensure that you copy the token that is generated for future reference, as it will be needed for this integration moving forward. Please DO NOT share this token with an untrustworthy individual or platform
Go to Meta Access Token Debugger -> in the input provided paste your access token -> click "Debug"
After doing this you will be able to see details regarding your access token.
Please validate that the following 4 fields have the same value as shown in the image
"Expires", "Data Access Expires", "Valid" & "Scope".
If any of these fields do not have matching values, please follow the above steps again and regenerate your token.
Go to All Tools -> WhatsApp manager
Now you will see a screen as shown below
Now click on your Production Number to set up your profile. Next click on "Profile" as shown below.
Now proceed with filling all relevant details about your business like description and contact information. Then click "Save"
After completing this go to "Message Links" -> then click on "Create Message Links"
You can enter any pre-defined first message here, that your users will be able to send when they connect to your bot via WhatsApp, after this click "Save"
A message link in your WhatsApp profile allows people to start a chat with you on WhatsApp without having to save your phone number. This is can be a QR code or a URL link.
You can add this on your website for visitors of your website to use it.
Now click on "Two-step verification" -> click on the link that is provided.
Please ensure you have confirmed your email.
Now, enter all your relevant details -> click "Save" .
Under "My Info" section -> confirm your email
Go to Developer Dashboard -> WhatsApp -> API setup From here copy/note all the following :
Phone Number ID(Production)
WhatsApp Business Account ID(Production)
Permanent Access Token
Do Not copy access token from above page. Access token value mentioned here needs to be copied.
Now you are all set to integrate WhatsApp with Orimon !
Log in to Orimon Dashboard using your Google account/manual signup
Once logged in, you should see an overview icon for your bot. Click on it to go to the bot's overview page.
On the left, you will see a panel with a list of Configuration options. At the bottom you will see an option "Channels".
Now click on "WhatsApp" and enable it
Now enter your Phone Number ID, WhatsApp Business Account ID & Permanent Access Token
Then click on "Submit"
You now see a pop-up like this.
Now confirm your WhatsApp profile details and click on "Intergrate"
If your integration was successful you will see the following window.
Now copy the callback URL and verify token shown in the window.
Go To Meta Developer Dashboard -> WhatsApp -> Configurations
Click on "Edit" and enter callback URL and verify token as shown below.
Click on "Verify & Save"
Directly underneath this, in "Webhook fields" click on "Manage" and ensure your are subscribed to the following field(Messages).
That's it! Your bot can now respond through WhatsApp.