🔔How do I subscribe?

Here are the steps to buy a subscription:

  1. Login in to your dashboard -> click on the plan type mentioned next to your profile section -> and when you billing drop-down opens.

  1. Then click on "Subscribe".

  2. Choose the subscription package that you want to select from the available options. There are three subscription packages: Starter, Growth, and Elite, each with different benefits explained here

  3. Choose the subscription frequency of yearly or monthly.

  4. Click on the "Subscribe" button to navigate to the billing portal.

  5. Enter your card details, such as card number, expiration date, and CVC.

  1. Press the "Subscribe" button to complete the subscription process.

Once the payment is confirmed, your subscription will be activated and you will be able to use the Orimon app according to the terms of your subscription plan.

Last updated