Live Chat Agent Screen
How Agents / Admins use Live Chat page on Orimon Dashboard
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How Agents / Admins use Live Chat page on Orimon Dashboard
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Members will login in Dashboard and go to the Live Chat section of the bot and will see a similar screen as seen below
This page contains 3 vertical sections :
Leftmost section : This contains Chat streams. This further divided in 3 sections namely :
My Chats : As the name suggests this section will include all chats that are assigned to the member that is viewing this section.
Assigned Chats : All chats that have live members assigned to them will fall under this section. This will not include the chats assigned to the member viewing this section.
Unassigned Chats : All new customers wanting to talk to live members will first move to this section. This section will basically contain all customers that do not have a live member assigned to them.
Middle Section : This section contains the entire conversation that has transpired so far in the session. This section also contains the typing pane through which members can send messages to customers. This section also contains the resolve chat button that members can use to end the live customer session.
Rightmost Section : This section contains customer profile details of the selected chat like User Details, Device Properties, etc.
All members are allowed to message customers in the Unassigned Section. As soon as any member sends a message in any unassigned chat, then the chat automatically gets assigned to that member. It instantly moves to the My Chats Section of the member who messaged on the chat since they are now assigned to the chat.
From here on, Members and Customers engage in real time conversation. Below is a reference to customers view on Chat-bot :