Quota Limits
This is a guide on how you can set a Quota limits for various aspects of your chat-bot and user.
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This is a guide on how you can set a Quota limits for various aspects of your chat-bot and user.
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This feature allows you to limit the message consumption of your chatbot, preventing over-consumption.
Login to your dashboard -> go to the overview page of the your bot -> then go to settings.
There you will see a section "Quota Limits" as shown below.
Click on the "Enable" switch to activate the setting.
You can now manually input the message quota you want your bot to have, or you can also use the "arrow" buttons in the input box.
After this click on "Update". You will now clearly be able to see the "Allotted", "Used" & "Available" quota, these show the total allotted quota, used quota and remaining quota respectively.
Note :
The Available quota does not take into account the number of messages available in the your total quota. This is show separately in a prompt below the input box.
If your openAi key is "enabled", you will see the remaining messages in the prompt as "unlimited".
If you want to reset the amount of messages consumed by your bot you can simply click on "Reset Used Messages".
If you want to disable the limits at a later stage, simply turn the "Enable" switch off then, click on "Update" as shown below.
Note : Please make a note to check the Used messages and the Available messages of your bot from time to time, and resetting/updating it. Your bot will become inactive once it hits the limits set by you.
That's it! you can now limit the max amount of messages your bot can send.